Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Start passing the Dhamma Forward

Because in the world, there are only two part; the world around you and the world inside youDhamma, the Buddha's teaching, is the truth in the world emphasize on the world inside you. Dhamma make you understand the world by telling you the nature of the things start from you. It's because you are one who know yourself best. Dhamma itself is the nature.If you know Dhamma, you know everything.

Reading the Dhamma will make you better understand the world. Passing Dhamma Forward will also make the world understand the world better. Just like "Pay it Forward" concept, you forward to 3 people, it will then forward to the world. Start Passing Dhamma Forward today to change the world.

You can easily forward by clicking the link "Facebook Dhamma Forward" or "Tweet Dhamma Forward" on the right of this page. Thank you.



  1. good topic to boardcast na ka. ^^b
    let support people to make to do good thing.

  2. Thank you Verxus. You can follow me on twitter na kub.
